Contact - Company domicile

Commercial register address

CIMAKA International GmbH

c/o Doris Graf Treuhand

Schützenmattstrasse 46
8180 Bülach

HR/MWSt. No. CHE-105.153.479
Tax No. J0000647530

Postal address / billing address

c/o Ewald Klausberger

Widumstrasse 7
CH-8603 Schwerzenbach

Phone +41 44 942 47 53
Email: info(at)
Email: buchhaltung(at)

CIMAKA International GmbH

EU distribution center

Industriestrasse 4
DE-79801 Hohentengen

VAT no. IdNr.: DE81 5371 214
EORI No.: DE63 455 043 426 102 1 (Branch 1)

Are you interested? We will be happy to advise you without obligation and answer your questions. Simply send us an e-mail or give us a call.

We would be happy to support you and your project with our products and services.

We look forward to hearing from you!